Committee Members

Position Adult Leader

Cubmaster Chelsea Reheis
Assistant Cubmaster Barry Bishop
Awards Chair Joe Yusin
Committee Chair Darin Hebert

Membership & Recruitment Chair Darin Hebert
Treasurer Chair George Kezios
Fundraising Chair Shannon Hagan
Popcorn Kernel Shannon Hagan
Webmaster Amanda Allegra
Secretary Open
Events Chair Brandi Mesta
Camping Chair Barry Bishop

Pack 580 Committee Positions Open!!

Come One, Come All! Parents, your Scout needs your help!

Cub Scouting is what you make of it. Like the analogy of a canoe, this Pack full of young Scouts is a lot to direct and propel by just a handful of adults. The more oars we have in the water, the easier it is for everyone, and the better our chances of getting the canoe where we want to go

OPEN Pack Committee Positions: