Pack 580 Halloween Carnival This Thursday 10/20 at Northlake NPR
Post date: Oct 15, 2016 5:31:50 PM
Castaic Pack 580 will have their next Pack Meeting this Thursday, October 20th, 2016 at Northlake Elementary MPR.
There will be a Halloween Carnival, hosted by the Bear Den, featuring carnival games, a costume contest, Trick-Or-Treat, and much more!
Scouts are to come to the meeting in their best Halloween costume and be prepared for a night of fun and treats!
ATTENTION BEAR PARENTS: Please be at Northlake no later than 6 PM on Thursday to help set up for the carnival and prepared to be on hand to run one of the carnival games. Bears need to be present and participating in order to receive credit toward their "Grin and Bear It" Requirement. We really need your participation on Thursday to make this carnival a success for everyone!
Fundraising Update
Our Fundraising this year has been FANTASTIC Thus far! We have 11 scouts who have already met their fundraising goal of $300 (and beyond) and there are 2 scouts that have already raised more than $600, earning themselves a free week of summer camp!! BRAVO!! Many thanks to the scouts and their parents that have gone above and beyond to raise money for the many activities that we provide for our scouts and families!
Because we have had such great participation in popcorn fundraising this year, we have sold most of our stock (around $10,000 in sales - $3,600 of this goes to the Pack). We are nearly out of popcorn, so if you would still like to booth, please contact Jen as soon as possible before we run completely out of current stock. You can still do popcorn pre-orders - We need the money for any pre-orders that you have.
If we do not have the money for these orders by October 31st, these products cannot get ordered.
If you have any popcorn pre-orders, please see Jen or Tom at the meeting on Thursday so we can get them ordered before the due date.
Other Fundraising Opportunities!
Although we are almost sold out of our current popcorn stock, we do now have cases of chocolate bars to sell. They are from "World's Finest Chocolate" and are in cases of 60 - each bar sells for $1.00 and we make 50 cents per bar ($30 profit per 60 bar case). This is a great opportunity for those who are still short of their fundraising goal or would like to raise more money to reach free camp!
Please let Jen know if you would like a case of chocolate to sell. The chocolate usually sells very well and there is a limited amount, so please let us know before it is gone!
There are still a few scouts that have not reached their fundraising goal or have not begun to fundraise yet. We still have some popcorn to sell if you are interested in boothing (you can get donations when you booth also), popcorn orders can still be placed by 10/31, and cases of chocolate bars can be sold. But once these dates have passed and the product has all been sold, then you will have to make up the difference of what is owed. We have offered opportunities to fundraise, so please don't delay if you still need to fundraise!
Pack 580 Committee
*At this Pack Meeting. Please be prepared to complete your registration if you have not done so already. $70/scout or $110/ for 2 scouts in one family.
*Please sign-up for the SCV Marathon Water Station Service Event on Sunday Nov. 6th. The invitation was sent to you.
*Please sign-up for Scoutbook: Ask your den leader for details.
*Join our active private Facebook page: Please friend a pack member or den leader to be added to our page to see what all the dens are up to. We also have a public Facebook page that we use for public recruiting throughout the year! Please like this page and share any posts that run throughout the year.
If you want to post any pictures from scouting events to Facebook, please post on the PRIVATE PAGE ONLY so that the images can remain private to our Pack only.
Interested In Scouting? Come Join the Fun!
All boys interested in joining from 1st through 5th grade and their family are invited to attend. Come and meet the leaders and scouts and see why scouting is such a great experience for our boys in both citizenship and fun!
Scout Activities
Throughout the year, there are many activities that our scouts do that are educational, fun, and teach service in our community. Just a few activities include:
Pinewood Derby
Cake Bake
Scout Skills
Service Projects
And Much More!
Join the Scouts Today and begin your Adventure!!!
Pack 580 is located in Castaic, CA - bringing together boys from 1st grade through 5th grade. We hold monthly Pack meetings with all members of the pack, as well as Den meetings, where each group (1st Grade - Tigers, 2nd Grade - Wolves, 3rd Grade - Bears, 4th Grade - Webelos 1, and 5th Grade - Webelos 2) gets together for fun activities, developing friendships that will last a lifetime!
For more information, visit our website at or email us at
We hope to see you at our Halloween Carnival on Thursday October 20th!