Popcorn Kickoff Is This Friday 9/9
Post date: Sep 6, 2016 3:05:12 AM
Castaic Pack 580 will be receiving our 2016 popcorn order this Friday evening, September 9th. This signals the kickoff to our fundraising season!
The best time of the year to start selling popcorn by boothing is during the first 2 weeks that popcorn is available. This gives our scouts the opportunity to sell popcorn to customers early on, before the market is too saturated.
We currently have the rights to sell at 2 locations this year - Castaic Ralphs on Hasley Canyon Rd and Camping World on the Old Road. To sign up for either of these locations or to see what times are still available, please go to Signup.com, through the link you were emailed. Please follow this link to sign up for boothing.
All scout families should have received emails with information on picking up popcorn to sell and the return instructions. To help us to get the different varieties of popcorn items to each scout at pickup, please make sure you return your unsold popcorn after you have completed your boothing for the day. We have had challenges in the past of not knowing what inventory we still had because someone had unsold popcorn at home for an extended period of time. This is very important because we want to have all of the popcorn that we ordered sold at the end of the sale and not lose money due to unsold product that could have been sold by someone else.
For those who are new to scouting or anyone who would like to learn more about fundraising, we have published a list of tips that can help your fundraising experience. Click here to see this information. A printable list is also accessible in the Forms/Downloads page.
We hope you have a successful fundraiser! There are some really great prizes that the BSA offers for scouts who sell various amounts of popcorn and Pack 580 also rewards scouts who sell above their fundraising goal with some great incentives!
For any questions, please email us at scoutpack580@gmail.com.