Post date: Oct 18, 2015 11:53:30 PM

Trunk or Treat

Pack Meeting - Trunk or Treat, Costume Contest & Pumpkin Contest

When: Thu, October 22, 7pm – 9pm

Where: (SCVi) Santa Clarita Valley International School, 28060 Hasley Canyon Rd, Castaic, CA 91384, United States (map)

Description: Check-in starts at 6:45pm, meeting starts at 7pm

**WE will be meeting in a NEW location at SCVi Charter School. We will be meeting in the large Theater (Shakespeare)

This meeting is on a Thursday as there is no school for CUSD on Friday.

*Special Note- Please bring all UNOPENED cases of unsold popcorn to the meeting. Also, please turn in all monies collected.

Thank you!

Theme: Responsibility

Scouts, Come one come all and show us your best Costume!

Leave your uniforms at home and join us for a fun filled evening in your Halloween Costume!

We will have a Costume Contest with the following categories:

  • Super Hero/Villain

  • Most Original

  • Scariest

  • Sibling

We will be having a TRUNK-OR-TREAT. We would like to have one car per family participate. You may choose to decorate the trunk of your car to pass candy out from or you may choose to have a table set-up at the back of your car. We will have orange cones set-up to direct you where to park your trunk-or-treat car. We would like to form a U-shape down one isle of the parking lot out in front of the theater so as to protect from any traffic entering the parking lot.

*Each family is asked to provide enough items/candy to pass out to 50 scouts/siblings.*

We will also have a pumpkin decorating contest.

Bring a decorated and/or carved pumpkin to enter in the contest if you wish


  • Scariest

  • Funniest

  • Most Original

  • Sibling

*We will NOT be decorating or carving at the meeting. Please bring your pumpkins already decorated/carved.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

See you all there!